Tuxedo Vests vs. Cummerbunds: Which Is Right for a Wedding?

10 months ago
Tuxedo Vests vs. Cummerbunds: Which Is Right for a Wedding?

Every groom wants to look his best at his wedding, and that means wearing the perfect tux. When you begin suit shopping for your wedding, you'll have to decide whether you want to wear a vest or cummerbunds. Both choices are important components of a formal suit and add color, texture, and personal style to your look. Delve into the difference between a tuxedo vest and cummerbunds to determine which is best for your wedding.

What Is a Tuxedo Vest?

A tuxedo vest, also known as a waistcoat, is a traditional part of a three-piece suit that looks stylish and goes with current trends while remaining classic. The vest will typically cover the entire torso and come in various styles, such as single-breasted or double-breasted versions.

One of the best things about a men’s wedding vest is that you can wear it without the suit jacket, making it perfect for the reception. This will keep you looking stylish and comfortable throughout the day. The color of the vest can match the jacket, but it may also match the hue of the bridesmaids' dresses, making it clear that you're part of the bridal party.

What Are Cummerbunds?

A cummerbund is a sash worn around the lower waist. While it was once a popular choice for men, it’s not as common anymore. Nevertheless, cummerbunds still have a sophisticated look, and people sometimes wear them at traditional weddings. Usually, manufacturers make cummerbunds with silk or satin. The color usually matches the suit jacket, pants, or bow tie.

Which Is Best?

Now that we've explained the key differences between tuxedo vests and cummerbunds, let's get into which is right for your wedding. Although both apparel options look great, the tuxedo vest is ideal for modern grooms. Tuxedo vests are a classic yet modern option that’ll always stay in style. It's also more comfortable than a cummerbund because it covers the entire torso, keeping the body warmer in cold weather. 

Additionally, a tuxedo vest leaves more room for personalization because it comes in various styles and colors. Coordinating colors with the bridal party makes it easier to follow the wedding theme while you incorporate a personal touch into what you wear.

Pro Tip

Knowing which is best depends on what makes you feel most confident. Keep in mind that cummerbunds will draw more attention to your waist, while a vest appears shapely on everyone.

Shop for Quality Suits

Grooms Club has men's wedding vests and suits for sale. Check out our collection today to pick the perfect wedding apparel for yourself and your groomsmen. When you buy from Grooms Club, you'll look and feel amazing on your big day!